Sunday, April 18, 2010

15th April 2010, Madhav's first day to school. Madhav looked excited to go to school infact not knowing what it means. We started telling you,
Madhav aaj kahan jayega????? chool
Madhav aaj kahan jayega????? chool

and then when we asked you Madhav aaj kahan jayega????? you said chool. You are looking damn quetie pie with little shoulders supporting a bag and water bottle around your neck. Mama got beautiful bag, tiffin and clothes for your school.
As soon as your school van came and we handed you over to the attendant then you realized what it meant to go to school and you started crying. Me, mummy and Raj all were excited to find out how you were doing at school so we kept calling in your school and kept checking. You stayed in Principal's alms most of the time and slept there.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dear Madhav,

You have turned 11 months today. Lots of blessings and love to you. This time around last year we were planning to go to your Nani house for delivery. We were excited.

You are suffering from a slight cold today and must take your medicine. Day by day we are amused by your new activities. You have started to crawl well now and also to stand with support. We have lost our freedom to keep our sleepers anywhere we wish thanks to your love for slippers. Today morning you got up early than your usual time and we had a good time out in the veranda.
I was surprised to see another of your leela today when you pushed the loosely bolted gate to go out in the street. Man you are just unstoppable now.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The day when Madhav announced his arrival

Like all married couples we were waiting for God to shower its blessings on us and enable us experience parent hood. We had to wait long but as they say "सहेज पके सो मीठा होए", we were patient that we will have our share of happiness too.

The day arrived and Muneet's pregnancy test reported positive. We could not believe that initially and decided to conduct another test. God had decided it is time for us to start feeling more responsible and prepare for arrival of a child. Madhav announced his arrival on 10th Jan 2008. Coincidentally there was a saint who visited us the same day and confirmed that we were about to have another member in our family.